Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Wrath & The Dawn ~ Renee Ahdieh

The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn, #1)The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This was a chance encounter. I walked into B&N looking for a specific book that they didn't have. On my way out I spotted this beautiful, beautiful gem. I picked her up and read the back and it tickled my fancy so I got it. And I'm so GLAD i did.

I devoured this book in under 2 hours. Could not put it down. This book took me and my emotions for a topsy turvy ride. And I enjoyed every minute of it, so much so I couldn't wait for the physical copy of the sequel I ordered it as soon as I finished from the apple store.

Do yourself a favor and read this book. Its got romance, action, mystery, thrills, betrayal, sacrifice, hard choices, and . . . JUST TRUST ME. You want to read this. You do. And if you don't then, it just cant be your cup of tea. Renee seriously knew what she was doing here. She weaved an amazing tale that I'm elated to pass on and around to my circle.

slight spoiler: I've seen a lot of people judging saying that the prince gets off too easy. Considering what he endures and what he goes through towards the end of the book and for more than half of the second book I believe he didn't. In no way am I saying he's atoned and guilt free but I'm just saying he does suffer, or at least that's how I perceived it.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Jaak and Ilse: A Dutch Billionaire Love Story ~ Marian Tee

Ok all so I have so many Marian books to review... well publish Mondays will be Marian Tee Mondays for the rest of the year. Min 1 review Max 3. Hope you enjoy .

Jaak and Ilse: A Dutch Billionaire Love StoryJaak and Ilse: A Dutch Billionaire Love Story by Marian Tee

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alrighty then!

Marian. Marian. Marian.

  via GIPHY

Jaak and Ilse was the cutest love story to me. And then I got pissed.

I wont spoil it but I really found myself ready to have words with JAAK over his hot then cold then hot self. I wanted to shake some sense into him. And then shake some sense into Ilse. She deserved better.... loads and loads better. However I was happy for them once the book was over. She was with the man she loved and I respect that.

But I think the next book if the guy is as. . . I don't even have the words for Jaak, if he sucks as much as Jaak did and our girl just takes it, I'll be emailing you asking why. Clearly I'm still a little salty for Ilse. I'll live.

  via GIPHY

This was a good book guys, just certain things resonated within me throughout it and it made me very passionate about what Ilse deserved and what she didn't.

Read it.

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Once She Dreamed ~ Abbi Glines

Once She Dreamed (Once She Dreamed, #1)Once She Dreamed by Abbi Glines

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, where to start on this book. . .

It was good. This was the kind of book where you're not sure if you want to keep reading and once you get into it all the way it's more than halfway over. And although its not that big of a cliffhanger because I wanted more from the story, the ending left me bereft and in need of a pick me up due to the mother of all cliffhangers. OKAY, I joke, but not really. I have so many questions.... WHO? WHAT? WHEN,ABBI, WHEN? WHYYYYYY?!?! How does this even work!!! This story is shrouded in mystery and my little heart cant take it.

On a serious note! The lessons that our main character is going to have to learn are lessons that every girl/woman must learn. I am eager to see where this takes us, and hopeful for a better man, I mean better understanding next book!

At first I was all into the mysterious guy who flirted but towards the end of the book, I think our girl is better off with someone else. IJS ok I'm done with this review. Sorry I jumped around but at least now you feel a small fraction of what I felt once I finished this one. BUT 4 stars!

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Until the End ~ Abbi Glines

Until the End (Sea Breeze, #9)Until the End by Abbi Glines

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will totally reread this one again and again. It was awesome to see how everyone is doing in their ever afters. Truth be told I am waiting with baited breath for what could be the crossover story Mrs. Glines gave us a hint of at the end. Overall this was awesome and yes it inspired me to go back to the beginning and work my way to the end all over again....



a long time fan

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